Hotel Room Twin Size
  • Hotel Room Twin Size

Hotel Room Twin Size

Tax included

Staying at the conference hotel enables you to get the most out of your conference experience. Easy walking distance to the conference and rooms include breakfast.

Check-in & Check-out Details

Please enter your arrival and departure day for your hotel room booking. For example: Thursday to Monday

Then increase the quantity below to match the number of days required.

For example: Thursday to Monday would require a quantity of 4
Thursday to Sunday would require a quantity of 3
Friday to Sunday would require a quantity of 2
  • 250 char. max

Staying at the conference hotel enables you to get the most out of your conference experience.

Easy walking distance to the conference and rooms include breakfast. (Halal, Vegan, and Vegetarian options available).

King-size bed. Suitable for single occupancy or double/twin occupancy.

All rooms are pre-booked for your arrival.

From 3pm check-in and 11am departure.

Car parking is also included as a conference delegate.

Rooms are priced at £159 per night. If you are planning to stay more than one night then add multiple rooms and then inform us of your arrival.

For example, if you wish to arrive Thursday and depart Monday add 4 rooms and state in the comments;

Full names of the persons in the rooms.
Day of arrival
Day of departure

How to check-in to your room

Each room booking is sent via Henna Huddle to the conference hotel.

Your booking will be available from the day of arrival stated in your booking and you will not require any reference or order confirmation from Henna Huddle.

Simply arrive at the conference hotel state your name to one of the members of staff at the check-in desk and they will book you into your allocated room.

If you require a room with special assistance.
Please note there are no rooms on the lower floor where the conference is held. However, a room can be arranged within walking distance of a lift which will take you down to the lower floor.

Can I share my room?

Yes we recommend room sharing to split the costs of the hotel. We cannot arrange part payments so this is something you will need to arrange between you and then one of you remit payment for the room.

Please make sure that you supply all names involved when making the booking so that this is passed to the hotel.

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